in renewal
New & Used Textbooks - Open access to all titles, editions & products carried in a vendor's catalog(s) which are of the highest quality, at a competitive cost, with reliable service, on-time delivery, and on an "as-needed" basis.
Discounts vary by vendor and order type (physical vs electronic, etc.).
Vendor | Extended to Other Community Colleges |
Complete Book & Media, LLC | No |
Follett B2B (acquired by Nebraska Book Company) | No |
Hilton Publishng (HPC) | No |
Macmillan Learning | No |
MBS Textbook | No |
Nebraska Book Company, Inc. | No |
Redshelf | No |
Nebraska Book Company acquired Follett on August 15, 2018. NBC will now fulfill Follett's contractual obligations under the award.
IPHEC Contact
Graham LaMontagne